いい - good
オッパイ - a women's breasts, usually referring to 'big breasts'
してる - a slang version of していますmostly used in casual conversation, when used with oppai means 'carrying'
ね - a sentence ending particle that emphasizes a point that usually is asking for confirmation, for example 寒いね!'Its cold, isn't it!
など - a particle used as 'etc.' or 'things like this'
と - particle used for 'and' or 'with'
下品な(げひん) - vulgar
言葉(ごとば) - word(s)
で - a particle with many uses this one being 'with'
ほめられる - to praise, compliment
眠っていた(ねむ) - sleeping in the past tense 'was sleeping'
メス - best translation of this word I can find is 'scalpel', although one translation used 'female' which would make more sense
の - possessive particle
本能(ほんのう) - instinct
目覚める(めざめる) - wake up
Roughly the translation may go like this;
"Nice rack!" etc. are vulgar compliments and the sleeping "female's" instinct is to wake up.
I can see how this can make sense now. I don't know where my friend found this but it wouldn't be a surprise if it was on a train or at the station where the Japanese love to warn people of the dangers of sexual harassment. Although from the picture the woman looks like she likes the attention and honestly thought this was an advertisement for a bra or something. Well, now we know.
じゃあ 以上です。
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