This picture was taken outside of a convenient store in Osaka. This sign is giving us the lowdown on acceptable appearance within the store.
*Particles in this post our not explained in this post, for explanation of meanings please refer to older posts or Japanese textbooks.
店内(てんない)- 'tennai' is 'store interior/inside the store'
ヘルメット- Written in Katakana 'herumetto' is 'helmet'
着用(ちゃくよう)- 'chakuyou' is a verb for 'wearing'
目出し帽(めだしぼう)- 'medashibou' is a 'cold-weather hood'
その - 'sono' is 'that'
他顔(たかお)- 'takao' is 'other face'
隠す(かくす)- 'kakusu' is 'to conceal' or 'cover'
ような物(もの)- 'younamono' is 'like things/objects'
着用(ちゃくよう)- 'chakuyou' is a verb for 'wearing'
ご遠慮ください(ごえんりょ)- 'goenryo kudasai' works as 'Please refrain'
警察(けいさつ)- 'keiastsu' is 'the police'
通報させて(つうほう)- 'tsuuhou' is 'report/inform'
いただく - 'itadaku' is 'obtain'
場合(ばあい)- 'baai' is a grammar function used to indicate 'if, when, occasion, circumstance, in case'
ございます - 'gozaimasu' is the polite form of です which is similar to the verb 'to be'
当店(とうてん) - 'touten' is 'our/this shop'
お客様(おきゃくさま)- 'okyakusama' is 'customer'
安全(あんぜん)- 'anzen' is 'safety'
第一(だいいち)- 'daiichi' is 'number 1'
心(こころ)- 'kokoro' is 'mind/heart'
けています - 'keteimasu' is a verb that pairs with 心 to form a phrase that means 'to bear in mind or to aim to do.'
The translation:
Inside the store please refrain from wearing helmets, hoods. or other face concealing objects.
At the time when suspicious people are in the store the police must be notified.
Our store's number one priority is the safety of our customers.
This is awesome! I'm trying to learn Japanese as well. So far I am still working on Hiragana and some vocabulary. I am planning a trip to Japan next year. I've been thinking about teaching English there but my main concern is earning enough money to pay my student loans back. Keep up with your blog! It's great!
ReplyDelete-Andie, http://supakunoichi.blogspot.com/