After a long hiatus I'm back! Some major events took place since the last time I had posted onto Death By Kanji. I had a very annoying illness that took awhile to get over, a major Earthquake and Tsunami in the Sendai/Tokyo area that caused lots of devastation and sadness throughout the country. I remember feeling the quake at work in Yokkaichi, it was very scary. I moved out of Yokkaichi a little while later over to Osaka, had my parents come for a visit, found a new job, moved into a new apartment, and have made some new friends. All the while taking pictures and learning more and more Japanese.
それじゃ、let's look at some interesting posters I found in the Imazatosuji line.

お知らせ(おしらせ)- Information
車内(しゃない)- In the car
や- A particle used for 'and'
駅構内(えきこうない)-Station premises
での- particles used for 'at' and possession meaning 'at our'
スリ- Pickpocket
被害(ひがい)- Damage
寝ている- Sleeping
人- Person
を- particle used to connect a noun to a verb
介抱する(かいほう)- Nursing, look after
など- particle used for 'etc.'
が- particle designating a secondary subject
多発しています(たはつ)- Happens frequently
手回り品(てまわりひん)- Personal effects
に- particle used for direction
ご注意(ちゅうい)- caution, be careful
ねがいます。- Please (as a favor)
駅長(えきちょう)- Station Master
Translation: Information, In the car and on station premises pickpocket damages (sleeping person is a target, etc.) happen frequently. Please be careful of your personal effects.
So this word 介抱する means 'to nurse, look after', but I don't feel the poster is asking us to 'look after a sleeping person' to prevent pickpockets, but is saying 'the sleeping person is looked after by the pickpocket' or as I translated 'a target' for pickpockets.
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