This a small sticker on the light above my sink. Sorry I couldn't get a clear picture of it so I had to do some color adjustment, but we can see the Kanji and that's all we care about. 始めましょう!
ご注意(ごちゅうい)- 'gochuui' is 'attention, warning, careful'
殺虫剤(さっちゅうざい)- 'sacchuuzai' is 'insecticide'. 殺虫 is used for 'killing bugs' and 剤 is 'medicine, agent, chemical'
は- particle marking the main subject
絶対に(ぜったいに)- 'zettai ni' means 'absolutely, no matter what'
かけないでください- 'kakenaidekudasai' is 'please don't put on'
Translation: "Attention: Please don't put insecticide on"
I know I'm a little confused; what am I not suppose to put it on? Me? the light? or something else? Who knows, but the sticker doesn't look to have any missing parts or maybe someone stuck it there from something else and it got left there and now its there forever warning people to not put insecticide on.
Well, either way its good advice.
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