Let's first look at the red(赤) Kanji(漢字):
事故(じこ)- 'Jiko' is made up of the Kanji 事 for 'thing or matter' and the Kanji 故 for 'cause, circumstance, reason' and together makes 'accident'.
発生(はっせい)- 'hassei' is made up of the Kanji 発 for 'departure or discharge' and the Kanji 生 for 'life, genuine, birth' and together makes 'incidence or occurrence'.
事故発生 means 'Accident Incidence'.
The Kanji in black(黒):
自転車(じてんしゃ)- These three Kanji, 'jitensha', together means 'bicycle'.
は- 'wa' is a topic marking particle.
押して(おして)- This is the 'て'(te) form of the verb 押す that means 'to push'.
下さい(ください)- 'kudasai' is a requesting 'please' usually written in Hiragana, but in most signs uses the Kanji 下 'down' to represent a bow of respect. (This is just speculation.)
自転車は押して下さい means 'Please push your bicycle.'
In the Shinsaibashisuji arcade is an orgy of people shopping and glaring at different things, or you could just say, "it's crowded." So you really shouldn't ride a bicycle through the people because you will probably hit someone, especially children who are small and easily unseen.
At the bottom(下):
せんば- This has no meaning that I can find, so it must distinguish this part of Shinsaibashi.
心斎橋筋(しんさいばしすじ)- These Kanji read as 'Shinsaibashisuji' which is a ward in Osaka.
協(きょう)- This Kanji is read as 'kyou' and means 'cooperation'.
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