So finally, I got a new phone here in Japan. It's just a normal prepaid service phone from Softbank, but it's adoring factor is that it has a camera!! So during my recent visit to Osaka I took some photos of different signs around the city that I will be sharing during the coming weeks.
As you can see this photo came out a little blurry, but the Kanji is very readable, so let's learn what the cartoon cop is trying to stop us from doing:
駐(ちゅう)- This Kanji represents 'resident' and sometimes means 'to reside-in or stop-over'
車(しゃ)- This Kanji represents 'transport'. In old Japan it was used for 'cart or wagon' but now it most commonly is used for 'くるま' (kuruma) which means 'car'.
禁(きん)- This Kanji was in the last post and we remember it represents something that is 'forbidden'.
止(し)- This Kanji was also in the last post and means 'stop' usually seen in 'とまれ'.
All together:
駐車禁止(ちゅしゃきんし)- The word 'chushakinshi' means literally means 'Resident cars are not allowed to stop' or more commonly known as 'No Parking!'
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