Photo by: Alex Kornya
At first glance a picture of a rabid bulldog can only mean 'Beware of Dog' but wait!! Let's read and find out what's really going on:
First in black(黒):
暴力団(ぼりょくだん)- These three Kanji make the noun 'bouryokudan' which means 'gangsters' referring to the notorious Yakuza in Japan.
の - 'no' is a possessive particle
追放(ついほう)- These two Kanji make the noun 'tsuihou' which means 'exile, banishment'. Adding the verb する(suru) 'to do' can also be added to this noun to make it a verb 'to exile'.
Translation: "The Yakuza's banishment"
Underneath(下) in red(赤):
恐れない(おそれない)- This word 'osorenai' can be used as a verb or adjective to mean 'don't be afraid' or fearless.
金を出さない(かねをださない)- In this sentence 金(かね)'kane' is 'money'. を 'wo' is the linking particle between a noun and the verb 出(だ)さない 'dasanai' which has many meanings with this one being 'don't pay'. So the meaning here is 'don't pay money'.
利用しない(りようしない)- The verb 'riyoushinai' means 'to utilize' or 'take advantage of' and since it's negative 'don't take advantage of'.
Translation: "Don't be afraid, don't pay money, don't be taken advantage of ." I added a little more meaning to 利用しない to make its meaning fit a little better with the message, which may or may not be correct. If so, then the top translation would be better as "The Yakuza's banished" either way "Don't worry, be happy!' ねぇぇ..
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